Why do eyebrow wrinkles happen after Botox? : Why It Happens and How to Get Rid of It?

Why Do Eyebrow Wrinkles Happen After Botox

You might have seen those images of celebrities where their eyebrows look wrinkled even after Botox. This causes doubt in people’s minds that Botox might not remove wrinkles from the upper eyebrow area and the middle of the eyebrows.

So, why eyebrow wrinkles after Botox? You will notice eyebrow wrinkles till two weeks after Botox because the result takes time. If Botox isn’t injected into the right place, depending on the face of the patient, it can cause eyebrows to wrinkle. In some cases, facial asymmetry is the main reason behind this.

Having heavy foreheads because of excessive Botox can also cause wrinkles. We will discuss its reasons in detail and guide you on how to treat it properly with Botox in Queens NY.

What Is Botox and How It Treats Eyebrow Wrinkles?

Botox or Botulinum toxin is a kind of neurotoxin. It means the chemical works on the nervous system and disables specific neurons to stop brain signals from reaching certain areas. Botulinum toxin has seven types and Botulinum Toxin type A or Botox-A is commonly used for clinical purposes.

In dermatology, Botox is used to relax muscles that are responsible for wrinkles on our face, especially around the eyebrows. When Botox is injected near the eyebrows, it immobilizes the frontalis and glabellar muscles by blocking brain signals.

As a result, these muscles can’t contract when we use facial expressions. And no contraction means there will be no creases on the skin. This is how Botox treats wrinkles around the eyebrows.

But in some cases, people are seen to have wrinkles even after getting Botox injections. Let’s look at that now.

Why Do Eyebrow Wrinkles Happen After Botox?

It is important to remember that Botox might not impact eyebrow wrinkles on everyone in the same way. Some patients may experience side effects after Botox injections, while others may be totally fine. There are three main reasons behind eyebrow wrinkles after Botox.

Botox Is Injected In the Wrong Place

The most common reason behind this symptom is the wrong placement of the Botox injection. Healthcare professionals evaluate the face of the patient before the treatment. This gives them a clear idea of muscular dimensions and helps them figure out where to put that injection.

But if a treatment provider isn’t experienced enough, they can misevaluate the face and select the wrong place for the injection. Due to this reason, the natural curve of the eyebrows can be damaged, and the eyebrows will be unnecessarily lifted. This is known as a peaked brow.

If this happens, the upper forehead muscle will be impacted. And forehead horizontal lines will appear above the eyebrows when Botox loses its effectiveness. This is why you should only choose experienced professionals for Botox treatment.

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology specializes in Botox Queens NY, and promises to deliver the best dermatological treatment. At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology, we offer a multitude of cosmetic dermatology services that include the following.

  • Botox
  • Microneedling
  • Facials
  • Fillers
  • Chemical Peels
  • Skin Tightening
  • Coolsculpting
  • Kybella
  • Emsculpt
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • And more!

Too Much Botox Is Injected

Figuring out the right amount of Botox necessary to fight wrinkles is crucial. If the right amount of Botox is injected, the relaxation of the muscle happens properly. But if your treatment provider injects too much Botox, raising your eyelids will be difficult.

In general, 4-8 units are injected. However, the amount can vary depending on the eyebrow area. Sometimes, treatment providers miscalculate the amount. In such cases, you will feel tightness or heaviness in the eyebrow area. This can gradually cause more wrinkles around the eyebrows.

Botox Passed Its Effective Period

Some of you may have a misconception that your eyebrows will have no wrinkles once you get a Botox injection. But that isn’t true at all. In fact, Botox injections have an effective period, which lasts for about three to six months.

After this period, Botox will lose its effectiveness. The muscles Botox used to paralyze will start responding to brain signals. In this case, the frontalis and glabellar muscles will start contracting. So, wrinkles will start appearing above and between the eyebrows.

What Should You Do If You Have Eyebrow Wrinkles After Botox?

If you aren’t satisfied with the results of Botox treatment and still have eyebrow wrinkles, we suggest you take the following steps.

Step-1: Wait & Watch

It takes some time to get the result of the Botox treatment. In most cases, the final result appears about two weeks after getting the injection. So, you should patiently wait for that period if you have eyebrow wrinkles after Botox.

Step-2: Consult Your Treatment Provider

The unexpected wrinkle after Botox can be caused by mistreatment. If the situation doesn’t change after two weeks, you must consult your treatment provider and discuss the problem in detail. If necessary, they can correct the mistakes by injecting more Botox into the right places.

Step-3: Pass the Effective Period & Change Your Treatment Provider

If you aren’t satisfied with the result, we suggest waiting for three to six months until Botox loses its effectiveness. Then, you should carefully choose an experienced treatment provider.

When searching for a ‘Botox specialist near me,’ you may get overwhelmed by the number of options. Look for providers with extensive experience injecting Botox specifically in the eyebrow area and verified positive reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

We answered some of the most commonly asked questions about eyebrow wrinkles after Botox. These will give you additional information if you have these questions in your mind.

What if I have deep wrinkles above my eyebrows after Botox?

If Botox treatment goes wrong, you may have deeper wrinkles than before. In that case, you need to go through an extensive treatment for forehead muscles.

How to fix Spock’s eyebrows after Botox?

When the eyebrows aren’t evenly lifted after Botox treatment, that condition is known as Spock’s eyebrows. You need to go through additional treatment sessions to compensate for the lift and make things even. Search for Queens Botox and choose an experienced treatment provider.

Can wrinkles get worse after Botox?

No new wrinkles will develop after Botox. Only the wrinkles you have had previously will start showing up after Botox loses its effectiveness.

Final Thoughts

Getting disappointed after eyebrow Botox is a common incident. In most cases, patients think about why they still have eyebrow wrinkles after Botox. We assure you that having wrinkles after Botox is fine, and it will go away after some time.

But if the wrinkles are caused by faulty treatment, such as wrong placement or too much Botox, you should consult your treatment provider. Take additional treatments to correct the error and your eyebrows should get rid of wrinkles.

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