Botox for under-eye wrinkles when smiling: Reasons, benefits and effectiveness of the treatment

Botox for under-eye wrinkles when smiling

Are you stressed about the wrinkles forming under your eyes? This is a very common aesthetic concern among patients at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology. Under-eye wrinkles mostly appear due to aging, but there can be other reasons. 

There are several treatments available to smooth out these wrinkles. Botox or Botulinum toxin is the most common cosmetic treatment for this problem, with lasting results and an excellent success rate. Learn more about under-eye wrinkles, Botox, and how it can help eliminate them. 

What are under-eye wrinkles, and how do they form?

Under-eye wrinkles are the fine lines and creases that develop on the skin below our eyes. These wrinkles become more visible because the skin in this area is thinner and more sensitive compared to other facial regions.

Under-eye wrinkles and laugh lines often begin to appear at a relatively young age. This is a natural part of aging and not indicative of any underlying health condition. However, as these wrinkles and frown lines become more pronounced over time, treatments like Botox may be considered. Apart from aging, here are some other common factors that can cause under-eye wrinkles.

  • Sun exposure: Extended exposure can cause skin damage anywhere on the body. However, it can be more visible on the skin underneath your eyes. Sun exposure disrupts cellular activities in the dermis and epidermis layers of your skin, accelerating the breakdown of collagen. The lack of collagen can lead to wrinkles and dark circles under your eyes. 
  • Air pollution: Polluted air is filled with various microscopic contaminants that remove the lipid barrier of our skin, initiating cellular damage. Polluted air can damage skin protein and result in the loss of moisture, causing under-eye wrinkles.
  • Sleeping position: Your sleeping position can negatively affect your skin, too. Sleeping face down puts pressure on the skin under your eyes, leading to fluid buildup.
  • Muscle contraction: Wrinkles from facial expressions, often referred to as smile lines, can appear due to frequent smiling. Muscle contracts around your face every time you smile, and the skin moves. This continuous movement can result in lasting dynamic wrinkles underneath your eyes. 
  • Smoking cigarettes: Smoking creates an imbalance of skin proteins and decreases collagen production and vitamin A. All of these deficiencies together can contribute to under-eye wrinkles. 

Botox for under-eye wrinkles: Why is it so popular?

Botox has been used successfully for decades now. But do you know why it’s so popular to treat under-eye wrinkles? Here are the reasons. 

  • Botox is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure administered only to the affected eye area. Quick administration and almost zero downtime make it very convenient for anyone. 
  • Botox injections smooth the wrinkles underneath your eyes in the most natural way. It can increase collagen production in the skin. Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity, and the retained elasticity softens the wrinkles. 
  • Botox is not a permanent treatment. However, it stays effective for several months longer than its competitors. The lasting result also makes it very popular.
  • There is no complicated preparation to sit for Botox treatment. With minimum preparation, you can undergo Botox and return to your daily routine without major interruption. 

What is Botox, and how does it help prevent under-eye wrinkles?

Botox is a versatile cosmetic treatment that has a wide range of uses. This treatment uses a drug of the same name produced from a toxin called the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox works through injections and paralyzes specific muscles and nerves. This temporary paralysis reduces muscle contraction and smoothens the wrinkles. 

While this neurotoxin is most used to reduce wrinkles on the forehead and crow’s feet around the eyes, it can also treat under-eye wrinkles. On top of regular eligibility criteria, you need good eyelid support and eyelid muscles to be an ideal candidate for this treatment. 

How long before you can see visible results after Botox for under-eye wrinkles?

You won’t notice immediate results as you leave the doctor’s office. However, the results will start to show up within 3 to 5 days and reach the full effect within a week. However, this timeframe can vary based on an individual’s metabolism and muscle responsiveness.  

How long does Botox last under the eyes?

Once administered, Botox for under-eye wrinkles starts to work fully after a few days. The full effect lasts about three to four months, based on your skin, dosage, and aftercare plan. Botox isn’t permanent. After that period, Botox starts to wear off, and your under-eye skin will return to its previous state. Under-eye Botox needs minimal aftercare, yet it’s very important to maintain the effectiveness of the treatment. 

Tips to avoid under-eye wrinkles

Aging is something no one has control over. However, you can be cautious and prevent other potential reasons from causing under-eye wrinkles. Prevention is always better than cure, and here are some tips to avoid under-eye wrinkles. 

  • Wear protection against the sun: When going outside during the daytime, don’t forget to wear protection against the sun. Protection can include SPF (sun protection factor) cream, UV-protected sunglasses, and hats to protect skin against heat and UV rays. 
  • Use silk pillowcase: Altering the sleeping position after years can be challenging. If you cannot alter your sleeping position, try getting a satin pillowcase to minimize skin damage.
  • Facial exercise: Facial exercise can be a great way to prevent under-eye wrinkle formation. Though it may not help much once formed, it can keep under-eye skin fresh and counter signs of aging.
  • Moisturize and exfoliate your skin: Exfoliating products and moisturizing creams can remove dead cells underneath your eyes and help retain moisture. Moisturization is key to preventing the formation of under-eye wrinkles. 
  • Have a balanced diet: A healthy, balanced diet can be crucial to your fight against under-eye wrinkles. A diet rich in vitamins and free of added sugar, oil, and refined carbohydrates can keep your skin healthy and improve collagen production.

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology: Discover the magic of Botox for under-eye wrinkles

Botox treatment can be a great solution to under-eye wrinkles if appropriately administered by experienced providers. If you live in Queens, NY, and are looking for Botox near me, the Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Clinic can help you answer all your questions and give you the best Botox in Queens. We’ll discuss your goals, medical history, and treatment details to develop a comprehensive plan. If there is any concern, our doctors will brief you on it and give you the best aftercare routine to maintain the effect of Botox treatment. 

Final Thoughts

Botox is a very promising cosmetic solution to tackle under-eye wrinkles. You can manage this common aesthetic concern with injections and regain a youthful appearance. Botox is most effective at treating moderate wrinkles, and it’s important to have realistic expectations. After the Botox treatment, you must follow the aftercare routine and doctor’s advice to get lasting results. 


The information provided in this content is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Botox treatments for under-eye wrinkles when smiling should only be administered by qualified healthcare professionals. Individual results may vary based on various factors such as age, skin type, and the severity of wrinkles. It is essential to have a thorough consultation with a licensed medical practitioner to understand the risks, benefits, and expected outcomes of Botox treatments.

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