EmSculpt vs CoolSculpting: Which One Is Better For You?

EmSculpt vs CoolSculpting

EmSculpt and CoolSculpting represent the forefront of non-invasive body contouring treatments in the cosmetic industry. Excessive body fat can compromise your physique and pose health risks. This is where these two body contouring techniques come in. While they address similar issues, they are significantly different in many aspects.

So, what benefits can EmSculpt and CoolSculpting offer, and how do they differ? Keep reading as we explain the differences to determine which treatment will suit your needs. 

What is EmSculpt?

EmSculpt is a body contouring procedure targeting both fat and muscles in the treated area. The device used for this treatment contracts the muscles much faster than natural exercise contraction. This dual-action approach reduces fat and improves muscle tone simultaneously. 

What is CoolSculpting?

As the name suggests, CoolSculpting uses a controlled cooling or freezing technique to freeze excess fat cells. Once the fat cells crystallize and perish, they are then eliminated by the body’s immune system. Unlike Emsculpt, it only melts the fat and doesn’t affect muscles. 

Differences between EmSculpt and CoolSculpting

Now that you have a general idea about both treatments, let’s look at the differences. Are you wondering whether EmSculpt or CoolSculpting is suitable for you? Let’s look at the key differences from different perspectives and figure it out. 

  • Purpose: Though both EmSculpt and CoolSculpting are sculpting techniques, their purposes are different. Emsculpt procedure uses muscle contraction for muscle building and toning and eliminates fat. Its main goal is to increase strength and muscle definition.

On the other hand, CoolSculpting is solely a fat-reduction method without any association with muscle building. It targets fat cells and stubborn fat pockets, then freezes and eliminates them. 

  • Technology: EmSculpt and CoolSculpting use different technologies for fat elimination and muscle burning. Emsculpt uses HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology) for intense muscle contraction. This contraction stimulates the muscles and removes fat beyond the capabilities of traditional exercise. 

On the other hand, CoolSculpting relies on a technology called Cryolipolysis. This technology freezes and kills the fat cell through controlled cooling. The body then naturally metabolizes and expels these dead fat cells.

In contrast, CoolSculpting is more versatile, addressing fat cells in areas like the abdomen, thighs, chin, and flanks. 

  • Result Visibility: The result visibility is different for EmSculpt and CoolSculpting. Results from Emsculpt may become visible shortly after a few sessions. An initial improvement in tone and definition can be seen quickly, though it may take several weeks for the full results to become evident.

CoolSculpting results take longer to appear. While initial changes may be noticeable within a few weeks, the full result becomes apparent after a few months. 

  • Result Longevity: The EmSculpt treatment affects your body’s muscles and offers long-lasting results. With a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, you can maintain the definition and tone for a long time.

In contrast, CoolSculpting results are comparatively less long-lasting, as fat can easily grow back. Similar to Emsculpt, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is crucial to sustain the results.

  • Ideal Candidates: Candidate criteria for EmSculpt and CoolSculpting are different as they cater to different sculpting goals. EmSculpt is more suitable for people who are relatively fit and looking to add definition to their body. This treatment is beneficial for people who may already engage in regular exercise. 

On the other hand, CoolSculpting better suits those targeting localized fat pockets and aiming to reduce overall weight.  

  • Required Sessions: EmSculpt and CoolSculpting take different approaches to address body sculpting. So, the number of sessions needed is different too. Emsculpt usually takes multiple sessions ranging from 4 to 8 within days or weeks. 

In contrast, CoolSculpting is much quicker as it takes single sessions per target area. The number of sessions will depend on individual goals and areas being treated.

  • Downtime and Side Effects: EmSculpt is known for its minimal downtime, allowing most patients to resume daily activities immediately after the procedure. You might feel a minor soreness similar to post-exercise soreness, but that should go away soon. 

In contrast, CoolSculpting may result in redness in the treated area and need a brief recovery period. However, that should not hinder your daily activities. 

Emsculpt and Coolsculpting at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

As both EmSculpt and CoolSculpting offer body sculpting, you need experienced cosmetic dermatology help to determine which treatment your body would need. If you live in Queens, New York and are looking for the best dermatology clinic near you, Adult and Pediatric Dermatology could be the right place to advise you on which treatment would suit your target area and goals. 

Our team of experts will discuss all the treatment details and your goals to determine the best course of action. For a brief consultation, call 718-896-3376 to schedule an appointment. 

Final Thoughts

Choosing between EmSculpt and CoolSculpting ultimately depends on your personal aesthetic goals. If muscle toning is your priority, go for EmSculpt. If you are focused on reducing fat in your body, CoolSculpting is the best choice for you. The final decision should align with your personal preference, and be made in consultation with a healthcare professional for customized advice.


This article is intended for educational and informational insights only. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date content, it should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Considering a EmSculpt or CoolSculpting treatment? We strongly recommend consulting with our medical experts before proceeding.

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