Fillers Specialist

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Forest Hills, NY

When you look in the mirror and find laugh lines that don’t amuse you and droopy, hollow cheeks that remind you of ol’ Mrs. What’s-Her-Name down the street, you can quickly turn back the calendar and restore a more youthful appearance with dermal fillers. At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York, the experienced team uses several dermal fillers to smooth away wrinkles and improve the volume of your lips and cheeks. If you’re ready to fight the signs of aging, call the office today or book an appointment online.

Fillers Q & A

What are fillers?

Fillers, also called dermal fillers, diminish the signs of aging by injecting safe substances that plump up wrinkles, enlarge thin lips, and lift your cheeks.

Though there are different fillers, many contain hyaluronic acid as their primary ingredient. Your skin naturally produces hyaluronic acid, where it retains moisture, hydrating your skin.

Fillers Queens

How do fillers work?

There are two types of wrinkles or fine lines a person may have. They are dynamic wrinkles and static wrinkles. Fillers are best for static wrinkles. Static wrinkles and fine lines are caused by sun damage and smoking.

Juvederm and Restylane are popular brands for producing hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the treated area using a fine needle. It works by adding volume to the areas of the face that have lost volume or have developed wrinkles and lines.

Fillers also stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a natural substance that helps to remove wrinkles and smooth the skin. When the fillers start to work properly, you can notice the changes. Fillers help to smooth out the wrinkles and fine lines. Thus, you can have your cherished look.

What fillers are available?

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology offer several kinds of fillers, which allows them to customize your treatment to meet your unique cosmetic needs. Examples include:
Juvéderm is a family of products from Allergan Holdings France SAS. All Juvéderm products contain hyaluronic acid in a gel base. The company produces the gel in different consistencies to target specific cosmetic problems. Your provider uses Juvéderm to:
These treatments last 1-2 years, depending on the product used and the area treated.

Restylane, from Galderma Laboratories LP, also includes a group of fillers that treat the same problems as Juvéderm. The company also produces a product that adds volume to the back of your hands.

However, Restylane products contain differently sized particles to achieve the volume desired for the targeted problem. For example, they have small particles to plump up those fine lines and larger particles for deep wrinkles.


Bellafill is a type of filler that contains small polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres in a gel base. The filler works by stimulating collagen production, and over time, it reduces your smile lines and acne scars.

Treatments with Bellafill can give you smooth skin and a youthful appearance for up to 5 years, depending on the area treated and your skin health.

What should I expect during treatment with fillers?

During your first appointment, your provider examines your skin and learns about your cosmetic expectations. After determining that a filler is your best treatment and deciding which filler to use, they give you all the details about what to expect during your treatment.

After applying a topical anesthetic, your provider injects the filler. The size of the area being treated will determine how many injections you receive. You could have temporary redness afterward, but it doesn’t last long, and you can go back to your daily schedule as soon as you leave the office.

Do fillers hurt?

Fillers are injections that contain hyaluronic acid. It is applied to the targeted area through injections. As injections are applied beneath the skin’s surface, a patient may experience mild pain. Many patients explain it as discomfort, not pain.

Depending on the injection site the level of discomfort varies from person to person. It is a safe non-surgical procedure.

We have licensed medical professionals. They will apply an anesthetic cream on the treatment site before the procedure. Fillers treatment is a quick process and any discomfort is typically short-lived.

When will I see the results of my filler treatments?

Fillers represent one of the few cosmetic treatments that give you immediate results. As soon as your provider injects your filler, you can see the difference, despite any temporary redness.

Almost all fillers gradually fade away as your body naturally absorbs the hyaluronic acid. But you can have another treatment to maintain your new appearance.

Call Adult and Pediatric Dermatology today or book an appointment online if you’re ready to do away with wrinkles.

How long do fillers last?

The longevity of most hyaluronic acid fillers lasts from 6 months to 2 years. Generally, it varies from person to person based on the type of filler used, the area treated, and variations of individual metabolism.

It’s necessary to note that areas with less movement, like the cheeks, might retain fillers longer than areas with more movement, like the lips. Besides, sun exposure and smoking can affect the treatment length.

To get a more accurate estimate personalized to your specific needs, you can make an appointment with one of our experienced dermatologists.

Are fillers permanent?

Fillers are not permanent. The effects of fillers last from 6 months to 2 years. Fillers are temporary because most filler consist of hyaluronic acid. It helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. The body absorbs the filler substance gradually. So, the effect of fillers decreases, and wrinkles and fine lines start to grow again. The longevity of fillers depends on some factors. For instance

  • The treatment area.
  • Types of fillers.
  • Metabolic rate of the body.
  • The experience of the service provider.

Though fillers are not permanent, they work effectively to remove wrinkles and allow you to have a desired natural look. Our skilled aestheticians are highly trained. For appointment and medical advice, you can contact us.

What not to do after fillers?

Did you just get fillers in your face or another part of your body? Here’s what to do next. First, don’t do any hard exercises or sports for a day after your treatment. This helps keep swelling down. Also, avoid hot baths and spending too much time in the sun right now, because heat can make any bruising worse.

Try not to sleep on the side of your face where you got the fillers for the first night. It’s a good idea to keep your head a bit raised up when you sleep for the first one or two nights after the treatment. Pressing on the area where you got the fillers while sleeping can make bruising more likely.

Be careful with some medicines and vitamins, especially ones that thin your blood like aspirin, ibuprofen, and fish oil. They can make bruising more likely too. Talk to your doctor about whether you should stop taking any of these for a little while.

Can you drink after fillers?

Drinking alcohol after receiving dermal fillers may raise the risk of bruising, swelling, and other side effects at the injection site. Alcohol consumption can dilate blood vessels and thin the blood. 

Generally, it’s suggested to avoid alcohol for at least 24-48 hours after receiving dermal fillers to facilitate proper healing of the body. However, the specific recommendations may vary based on the type of filler used and individual circumstances. So, it’s essential to follow the guidance provided by your healthcare professional who administered the fillers.

How long after fillers can you exercise?

It’s advised to wait a minimum of 24 to 48 hours post-facial filler treatment before you resume exercise. Intense workouts can cause sweating and an increase in body temperature. This can lead to increased swelling or redness in the treated area.

Immediately after getting fillers, the injected substance needs time to integrate into the tissues and settle properly. Vigorous movements or exercises that stress the injected area can displace the filler or affect its distribution.

Avoiding intense workouts or activities allows the fillers time to settle, thereby reducing the risk of complications like increased swelling or uneven distribution of the filler. It’s always wise to follow the specific post-procedure instructions given by your healthcare provider to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery.

Before & After

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