Botox Specialist

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Forest Hills, NY

Botox® has a decades-long history of medical use, proving it a safe treatment. It does an exceptional job of diminishing some of the most visible and unattractive wrinkles — frown lines and forehead furrows. At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York, the team has extensive experience using Botox to turn back time and restore a more youthful appearance. Call the office today or book an appointment online to learn if Botox is a good choice for you.

Botox Q & A

What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable treatment made of purified botulinum toxin. It significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles. In some cases, the treatment temporarily eliminates the targeted wrinkles.

Botox stops muscle contractions. When your provider injects Botox, the muscles relax, and the wrinkles caused by those muscle contractions disappear.

Botox Queens NY

What wrinkles does Botox treat?

As you age, you develop two kinds of facial wrinkles. Age-related changes like the loss of collagen and dehydration cause one kind. The second kind of wrinkle develops as muscles contract to

Over years of making the same expressions and repeating the same muscle movements, the constant tugging on your skin leads to wrinkles like:

Botox is the perfect treatment for these wrinkles.

How does Botox work for wrinkles?

To understand this, you need to know how wrinkles appear in the first place. Our skin is elastic, meaning it can contract or expand and return to its normal position. And this contraction or expansion of the skin happens due to the movement of the muscle underneath it.

However, as we age, our skin loses some of its elasticity. It means the skin can’t completely go back to its normal position after a contraction or expansion. This is when you see wrinkles on the skin.

To prevent the skin from wrinkling, stopping the movement of the muscle underneath is crucial. Botox does that by blocking brain signals to that muscle. This neurotoxin kills the connection between the brain and the target muscle.

As a result, signals to contract or expand the muscle don’t reach the targeted area through the nervous system. So, the target muscle becomes paralyzed temporarily.

As the muscle gets relaxed over time, the skin over it also gets smoother. This is how Botox prevents skin from wrinkling. Once the effective period of Botox is over, the muscle can again start responding to brain signals and contract. Thus, you might see the wrinkles on the skin again.

Will I look natural after Botox?

Yes, you’ll look natural because you can still make normal facial expressions. The skilled team at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology precisely targets a few specific muscles. Most of your facial muscles still move freely, allowing your face to show expression and emotion.

What should I expect during a Botox treatment?

At your first visit, your provider examines your skin and talks with you about the changes you want to make and the results you want to see. They only recommend Botox when it’s the best choice to achieve your goals.

Before your Botox treatment, your provider discusses ways to numb your skin, and you can decide if you need a topical anesthetic. Everyone tolerates the injections differently. Some need the anesthetic, while others manage the procedure without numbing their skin.

Your provider uses a thin needle to inject small doses of Botox into several areas during your treatment. When your injections are done, you can return to your daily routine.

When will I see results after a Botox treatment?

You’ll see some improvement in your appearance in 24-48 hours. However, it can take up to 30 days to achieve full results.

Most people find that their results last up to four months. After your Botox treatment wears off, you can choose to get another one to maintain your results.

If you’re ready to do away with frown lines and crow’s feet, call Adult and Pediatric Dermatology or book an appointment online today.

*Individual results may vary.

Do Botox injections hurt?

No, Botox injections don’t hurt. However, you experience a slight stinging sensation during the needle insertion. But that isn’t something to be identified as pain. Besides, before Botox is injected, an anesthetic cream helps numb the target area.

The cream numbs the area temporarily, so patients won’t feel any pain. Even if the anesthetic cream isn’t used, doctors may use cooling gels or ice packs to create a cooling sensation. This reduces the feeling of pain while inserting the needle.

Another important thing is worth noting here. Healthcare providers use tiny and sharp needles to inject Botox. The sharp needle pierces the skin fast and you might not even feel it. And doctors remain careful so that the injection doesn’t hurt patients. So, you can take Botox injections without the fear of pain.

However, some patients may indeed feel pain afterward. If the needle isn’t removed properly or someone has sensitive skin, the surface can pop out a bit. This is a temporary thing and will disappear after some time.

In fact, Botox injections are so convenient that you can get back to your daily routine after a few minutes of the injection.

Do Botox injections have side effects?

Though there aren’t a lot of risks associated with Botox injections, some patients may have experienced side effects after getting Botox injections.
Likewise, if you notice muscle weakness or allergic reaction after getting a Botox injection, you should contact your dermatologist for solutions.

Can Botox Cause Headaches?

Botox, known for its effectiveness in reducing wrinkles, creases, and even migraines, may have potential side effects, including headaches, to be aware of. 

Experiencing a headache after Botox treatment is relatively common and typically resolves without intervention. These side effects generally appear within the first 24 hours, are temporary, and subside within a few days. Over-contraction of forehead muscles, stress, and occasionally, improper Botox procedures might contribute to headaches.It’s not unusual to experience headaches post-Botox, which often diminish on its own. However, if it starts to feel uncomfortable, you may take over-the-counter drugs to ease the discomfort. For persistent discomfort, consult your healthcare provider for further advice.

Botox, a widely favored non-invasive cosmetic treatment, effectively diminishes wrinkles, crow’s feet, and other aging signs. Although the procedure is simple, following specific guidelines after treatment is crucial for the best outcomes. One important aspect of aftercare is managing alcohol consumption. 

Drinking is generally discouraged for a few days before and after the Botox treatment. Bruising and swelling are some common side effects that may occur after Botox. Consuming alcohol after Botox treatment can cause blood vessels to dilate, potentially making bruising and swelling worse. That’s why healthcare providers usually recommend avoiding alcohol to minimize side effects and achieve optimal results. 

The recommended period for abstaining from alcohol post-Botox varies individually. Most providers suggest not drinking alcohol for 24 to 48 hours after the treatment for better recovery. However, individual waiting periods may vary and consulting with your provider might be the most reliable approach.

Understanding the right time to resume exercise post-Botox is crucial, particularly for fitness enthusiasts eager to return to their workout routine.

Botox treatment involves injecting a neurotoxin into the facial muscles. It requires time for this substance to properly settle beneath the skin following injection. Exercising involves active muscle movements, posing a risk of inadvertently affecting the injection site, particularly when wiping sweat from your face. Any of these actions could potentially displace the Botox. 

Minimizing movement is crucial in post-Botox aftercare, which is why exercise is generally discouraged within the first 24 hours following treatment. Increased blood flow from exercising may accelerate the metabolism of the neurotoxin, potentially diminishing the treatment’s full effectiveness.

Typically, a waiting period of 4 hours is advised before resuming regular exercise after Botox. This is considered an ideal timeframe to let the Botox settle. This duration is also deemed safe for activities like bending and lying down. For more strenuous activities or heavy lifting, it’s safest to wait at least 24 hours.

Botox is a big hit in the cosmetic treatment world, famous for quickly reducing frown lines and wrinkles. With just a few quick injections, Botox can refresh your look and give your confidence a lift. But before you get any Botox treatment, it’s important to talk over your needs with experts. That’s where we, at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology, come in to help.

Talking with a qualified Botox Queens, NY, provider is key to understanding the different aspects of Botox treatment. Our team of licensed dermatologists at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology can evaluate your needs and figure out if Botox is the treatment you should go for.

Why Adult and Pediatric Dermatology can be your go-to place for Botox treatment?

In our dermatology clinic, we listen to what our patients need and do our best to give them the care they desire.

Reasons to visit Adult and Pediatric Dermatology for Botox in Queens:

  • Certified Professionals: You can trust that our expert provider will make your Botox treatments go without any hiccups. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology has the most experienced professionals specializing in Botox Treatment in Queens to address your concerns.
  • Convenient Location: Being close to your dermatology clinic matters, especially if you’ll need to come back more than once. If you are thinking about getting Botox in Queens, Adult and Pediatric Dermatology is located right in the heart of Forest Hills, Queens, NY.
  • Easy scheduling: We offer the most flexible scheduling options to increase patient satisfaction and allow them to access our care when it’s most convenient for them.
  • Caring follow-up: The right kind of care after your treatment is important for quick healing and fewer problems down the road. We offer the most sound aftercare guidance to inform our patients what they can and cannot do after the treatment. In case you have any additional questions before or after any of our treatments, we are always happy to address them.

For Botox Treatment, Call us today at 718-896-3376 or  book an appointment. online

Before & After

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Botox Queens NY
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